Creative director Krishna Vamsi has all praises for Gunasekhar in making 'Rudhramadevi' as a master piece. Having watched the making video of the movie, Krishna Vamsi has been impressed very much with the way the movie is canned. " Just saw a flashes of Guna Sir's dream project "Rudrama Devi - Making"!!! The video says it all.. In the realm of senseless and meaningless movies with deteriorated values with mindless dialogues, vulgarity and saucy songs ruling the cinema impairing the society, one director is trying to revive our degenerated senses with his movie. Neither he is trying to exploit the humanweakness nor he is trying to play with the psyche of the audience," posted Krishna Vamsi in his social networking page.
Krishna Vamsi's recent directorial venture Mega Power Star Ram Charan's 'Govindhudu Andarivadele' was made as a complete family entertainer. On the other side, Gunasekhar's 'Rudhramadevi' is being contemplated to release for Sankranthi. More details are awaited.