Bellamkonda Suresh's son, Bellamkonda Sai Srinivas' debut movie 'Alludu Seenu' created a sensation at the ticket windows by collecting Rs.25 crores full run share. Srinivas has excelled in dances in the movie. Bellamkonda Suresh has planned Srinivas' second movie with director Boyapati Srinu. As Boyapati is riding high on the blockbuster success of 'Legend', he has become one of the crazy directors now.
Meanwhile, the news of Stylish Star Allu Arjun and Boyapati Combo's movie was broken out recently. Obviously, suspicions prevailed on Bellamkonda Srinivas and Boyapati combo's movies. A few movie buffs feel that the project has been shelved. Allu Arjun and Boyapati Srinu's combo movie will go on floors in the month of March, next year.