Stylish Star Allu Arjun and director Sukumar's 'Arya' was the biggest blockbuster in their combo. Later, the duo worked for 'Arya 2'. Though the movie stood as an average grosser, Allu Arjun's remarkable dances and Sukumar's intelligent direction are ever remembered. And the combo is all set to work for the third time. According to the reports, Allu Arjun and Sukumar's new movie will go on to the sets in the month of January, next year. BVSN Prasad will produce this movie.
Sukumar's recent film '1-Nenokkadine', though, failed at the box office, it won the accolades of the critics. Allu Arjun, meanwhile, will be working in the direction of Trivikram soon. Bunny-Sukumar's film will be launched after completion of Trivikram's movie.