K Chandrasekhar Rao, the new of CM of newly formed Telangana state is behaving strict regarding the preservation and protection of Gurukul Trust Lands mainly pertains to Ayyappa Society Area adjacent to Hi Tech City, Madhapur in Hyderabad. As of now, the constructions which are proved as illegal are dismantled and demolished. KCR ordered the GHMC officials and Police department to work in tandem without falling into the celebrity and political influence.
The first man in film circles who might fall as the first victim for this KCR’s move could be Nagarjuna as his N Convention Hall spread in nearly 9 acres is deemed to be a part of Gurukul Trust Land. While political leaders in Telangana have continuously targeted on illegal land encroachments of Nagarjuna, now that the demolitions have begun, we need to wait and see how far Nag could be able to protect N Convention from KCR’s eye.