Following the trend of cop stories in Tollywood and the way all star heroes like Pawan Kalyan, Mahesh Babu and others are bagging the hits with police characters, even Junior NTR is willing to do a complete action entertainer wearing the cop uniform. Accordingly, he responded with the same intention to director Puri Jagannath for preparing a full-fledged action story with any backdrop of his wish. From last few months, Tarak has become so serious and concerned about the career. Need of the hour is one or two solid back to back hits which should bring him back in demand.
Then, Puri and NTR thought of making the needed changes to ‘Pokiri 2’ script which is doubly kicking than the first installment. Although everything is still unclear now, we might need some more time to see Junior NTR as ‘Bujji Gadu.’