Stylish Star Allu Arjun's latest blockbuster 'Race Gurram' is now aiming at very big records at Overseas box office. The movie has recently crossed $1 million collections mark at the US box office. According to the reports, the movie collected $ 1180k till 19th of April. With these collections, the movie surpassed the full run collections of 'Gabbar Singh ( $ 1031K) and 'Eega'( $ 1070K). The movie is likely to cross the full run collections of '1-Nenokkadine' soon and likely to settle down at top three grossers at US box office. However, we need to wait for two more weeks to know the exact position of 'Race Gurram' in Overseas.
Directed by Surender Reddy 'Race Gurram' collected a share of Rs.31.88 crores at the end of its first week run world wide. Shruthi Haasan was seen opposite to Bunny in this family and comedy entertainer. Bujji and Dr.Venkateswara Rao produced this movie.