Mega Power Star Ram Charan has beaten the South Indian heroes through his latest offing 'Yevadu'. Going by the reports, 'Yevadu' was released for Sankranthi and has collected a share of Rs.47+ crores so far. Prince Mahesh Babu's '1-Nenokkadine'( Telugu) collected a share of Rs.29.19 crores, Ajith's 'Veeram( Tamil) and Vijay's 'Jilla'( Tamil) collected around Rs.35 crores share each.Thus 'Yevadu' stood as the highest grosser among the Pongal releases of South India.
Meanwhile, 'Yevadu' crossed the mark of Rs. 5.50+ crores share in Karnataka and stood as the all time second best grosser in this state after 'Magadheera's Rs.6 crores share. On the other hand, 'Yevadu's Malayalam version 'Bhaiyya' is doing well in Kerala and collected a share of Rs.1.50 crores so far.