Young Tiger NTR's song teaser from 'Ramayya Vastavayya' movie was unveiled on 31st August and it generated decent response in you tube. The teaser recorded more than 2 lakhs hits in first 24 hours and around 4000 likes. NTR's fans are very much delighted to see their hero's cute dancing steps and the way this melodious song has been picturized.
Touted to be an action entertainer, the movie has been directed by Harish Shankar. Samantha has done opposite to NTR in this film while Shruthi Haasan has essayed an important role. Thaman is composing the tunes of the movie. The movie is being produced by Dil Raju on Sri Venkateswara Creations. The audio of the movie is expected to be launched on September 8. The release date of the film will be announced by the makers soon.