The buzz has suddenly started on high note about director Krishna Vamsi having got the nod from Mega Power Star for completing the script on a never seen kind of multi star flick. This project is to have legendary Akkineni Nageshwara Rao, Daggubati Venkatesh and Ramcharan in key lead characters. Actually, KV should have to direct an Akkineni multi star film with heroes from all three generations of the family but he missed it for ‘Manam.’
Despite ‘Pasia’ from same director is in painful situation with no release dates announced and none of the distributors coming forward to risk on it, this decision from Krishna Vamsi to begin another big project is definitely debatable. Though it is early stages to conclude on the whereabouts of project, Bandla Ganesh Babu and Ganta Srinivas Rao can be the joint producers.