Young hero Varun Sandesh's new film 'Saradaga Ammayitho''s audio will be launched on 5th May in Hyderabad. The title of the movie generates a sort of interest as it reminds us Power Star Pawan Kalyan and Stylish Star Allu Arjun's movie titles. Till some days ago, Pawan Kalyan-Trivikram movie title has been considered as 'Sarada'. Bunny's new movie's title is 'Iddarammayilatho'. Looks like, 'Saradaga Ammayitho' title has got inspired from above titles.
Nisha Aggarwal has paired up with Varun Sandesh in this romantic entertainer. Ravivarma composed the music of the movie. Bhanu Shankar has directed this movie while Patthikonda Kumar Swamy produced the movie on Sri Kumaraswamy Productions banner.