Young Tiger NTR's 'Baadhsha' is the last leg of its shoot now. The audio of the movie is releasing on 17th of this month. As per the gossipmongers, it is heard that the story of the movie has been an inspiration of late NTR's 1981's super hit movie, 'Gajadonga'. NTR robs at night times in the movie while in the day time he is seen like a decent man in 'Gajadonga'. However, we have to wait for the release of 'Baadshah' whether these gossips are true or not.
Saucy seductress Kajal Aggarwal is doing opposite in the movie. Thaman has scored the music of the movie. Srinu Vaitla is directing the movie. Bandla Ganesh Babu is producing the movie on Parameswara Art Productions. The movie is gearing up for release on 5th April.