If hairstyle of Sunil in 'Mr. Pellikoduku' is assumed really as a wig (some sources confirmed it as a wig), then surely buzz in film circles about this comedian turned hero will posing a challenge to Balakrishna is true. Balakrishna holds a good record in trying different kinds of wigs depending upon the character. May it be 'Parama Veera Chakra' or 'Srimannarayana,' we have seen numerous kind of hairstyles. Same applies to Sunil as 'Mr. Pellikoduku' offered a new look for him expecially styling wise.
As there is good amount of incompatibility between face, body and styling along with the characterization, Sunil and 'Mr. Pellikoduku' failed to strike right chord with audience. Even audience are making fun about Sunil's new haircut looks like a challenge to Balakrishna. Surely unintentional, this should serve as wake-up call for Sunil not to try these kinds of terrible styles to look young.