The former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and the matinee idol, Dr.Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao has at last, been honoured by the Parliament. Going by the details, the Lok Sabha speaker Ms Meira Kumar has accepted for the installation of NTR's statue in the Parliament Complex in New Delhi. In fact, Purandeswari, the Union Minister, has been requesting the speaker for installation of NTR's statue in the parliament and finally, her request has been got approval. She has been suggested to source a suitable statue.
NTR made his film entry into tollywood through 'Manadesam', which was released in the year, 1949. He continued as a film hero until 1982. He then, joined the active politics by starting a regional party, TDP, and became the CM of the state in the year, 1983. He passed away on 18th January, 1996.