Chubby appearance and juicy curves had been an old fashion in bollywood till some time ago. The time when Vyjayanthimala, Madhumala, Meena Kumari, Hema malini and Sridevi ruled the bollywood, many audiences, then, fell flat with their physiques as they appeared chubby with beautiful looks. Besides, their acting skills paved the way for their super stardom.
However, the top heroines such as Kareena Kapoor , Dipika Padukone etc. started appearing skinny on the screen with their size 'zero' measurements and subsequently ruled the bollywood box office. Apparently, the trend has been changed now as even Kareena also started appearing 'curvy'naa on the screen in recent movies through some item songs. Vidya Balan put up a weight of 10 kgs for 'The Dirty Picture' and the movie was an all India super hit. Katrina and Sonakshi, with their chubby looks, are bagging innumerable offers. Priyanka's cousin Parineethi also possess sexy curves and is likely to be an emerging starlet. Looks like, bollywood is adopting kollywood's culture of insisting size plus heroines rather size zero heroines these days.