The release date of King Nagarjuna's 'Damarukam' is still in doldrums. The makers are still having no clarity on the release date of the film. It is heard that although, they are trying hard to release the movie for Dasara, the movie might get released in the month of November only. This factor creates confusion among the other film makers, whose films are to be released soon. Movies like 'Gundello Godari', 'Eto Velli Poindimanasu' will be released shortly. If 'Damarukam' gets clarity on its release date, the release dates of other movies, which are slated for November release, will also get clarity.
Nagarjuna will be romancing with Anushka in 'Damarukam'. A total of Rs.40 crores were reportedly invested on 'Damarukam'. Devi Sri Prasad composed the music of this movie. Srinivasa Reddy has directed this socio fantasy entertainer. The movie was made on RR Movie Creations.