Heroes from mega compound such as Pawan Kalyan, Ram Charan and All Arjun gave blockbusters this year through the movies such as 'Gabbar Singh', 'Rachcha' and 'Julayi'. In addition to the above movies, Pawan Kalyan's latest movie 'Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu' collected all time record shares on the first day of its release. Ultimately, the top places of the first day APshares are occupied by mega movies in many areas.
In Krishna district, 'Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu' movie collected a share of Rs. 66 lakhs on its first day and it is an all time record. The second place in this area was occupied by 'Gabbar Singh' with Rs.59 lakhs and the third place was secured by 'Rachcha' with Rs.54 lakhs share.