Stylish Star Allu Arjun's 'Badrinadh' stood at the status of above average in A.P. in its full run. However, the movie fared extremely well in Kerala and proved to be the best hit for any tollywood hero till date. The movie collected a total share of Rs.1.80 crores in its full run. It is a known thing that Allu Arjun has got a star hero status in Kerala itself and is treated as Mallu Arjun by the people there.
Meanwhile, Allu Arjun's new movie 'Julayi' is collecting very good shares all over the state. This movie is being dubbed as 'Gaja Pokiri' in Malayalam and is getting released on 17th August in Kerala with good number of prints. As per the sources, if the movie gets positive buzz, the movie can easily beat the full run shares of 'Badrinadh' there. Let's see how well the movie cope with the expectations.