Like Mega Family in Tollywood, even Suriya and Karthi are addressed as Mega Brothers for the kind of success they are enjoying with each film. With Suriya deeply immersed into the making of ‘Maatran’ in direction of KV Anand, his brother Karthi has an upcoming political thriller drama ‘Saguni’ to be released simultaneously in Tamil and Telugu, directed by Shankar Dayal.
Bellamkonda Suresh is planning for a grand Telugu release of ‘Saguni’ on 29th of June. Heroine in the film is Pranitha while music composed by GV Prakash. Apparently, Karthi has got matchless track record in Telugu with ‘Yuganiki Okkadu, Naa Peru Siva, Awara’ doing awesome business and recently released ‘Malligadu’ was just an average. Any time, Karthi can turn dangerous in Tollywood ground and producers planning their direct Telugu releases opposite ‘Saguni’ should be quite careful.