As we reported earlier, Young Tiger NTR's 'Dammu' movie's audio release function, which was scheduled to be held on 23rd of this month, had to face sudden problems, as the Film Development Corporation announced that the Nandi Awards Distribution Ceremony would be held on 23rd, the Ugadi day at Telugu Lalithakala Thoranam, Hyderabad. Further, NTR's babai Balakrishna is receiving the best actor award for the year, 2010 for his wonderful acting in 'Simha' movie. To avoid unnecessary clash between the two functions, the makers of 'Dammu' decided to postpone the movie's audio function from 23rd to 29th of this month. Shilpakala Vedika will be the venue of this most awaited function.
After a long gap Jr.NTR is seen in fulfledged mass masala role in the movie, 'Dammu'. Family heroine Trisha and cute girl Karthika are doing opposite to him. Sources say Keeravani has given rocking music for this film, that includes a powerful slokam on NTR. 'Simha' director Boyapati Srinu is directing this film. Tentative release date of this movie is 19th April.