Known for voluptuous sex appeal with over the limit body dimensions, Namitha surprised many of the TV viewers yesterday when she gave darshan at Celebrity Cricket League semi final match held at Chennai. It has been a very long time that Nammi babe missed the Telugu screen after the super duper hit ‘Simha’ with Balayya Babu. Though there were some dubbing releases, never did they get into the attention of audience.
In a new cum plump avatar, Namitha was obsolete with puffy face at MA Chidambaram Stadium. Telugu audiences who have seen her commented the most on this disturbed physique. ‘She might have been spending the max of idle time in accumulating the Fat keeping away from regular fitness exercises. Namitha treated as a natural temptress in the past is now no way near to her original charm,’ commented a viewer. Hope that Namitha is listening to this as it is time for her to make some corrections.