The new project announced hastily by producer Ganesh Babu on Parameswara Arts three days ago seems to be having an inside story which goes like this. During the times when Puri Jagannath was struggling with his form and financial hurdles, it is said that Ganesh Babu has given him an advance remuneration to work out a story for Pawan Kalyan. Later on the dark phase in Puri’s life continued and he got deep struck in problems. With time even this project in combination of Ganesh Babu, Puri Jagannath and Pawan Kalyan is also forgotten.
As Puri started to rewrite his fortunes with ‘Bbuddah’ and talk about ‘Idiot 2’ came into fore, Ganesh Babu seems to have hurried up to get his old accounts settled. That is the reason why, he announced the project with Puri Jagannath and a crazy hero on Parameswara Arts. Masking the name of hero is enough to suspect that, he is going to be someone from Mega compound. Reason is that Ganesh Babu wants the combo of Puri and Pawan to go on sets but given the busy schedule of Power Star for next two years, inner sources are suspecting Ramcharan might replace his babai for this project. If calculations go hand in hand, we might be able to see ‘Chirutha’ combination rework for Parameswara Arts.