Film Nagar will always be fresh and busy either leaking or enjoying reading the leaked stories of star hero films. We have seen this happening with ‘Shakti’ and ‘Badrinath’ even. Now, one film that is to join the list is ‘Oosaravelli’ of Junior NTR in the direction of Surender Reddy. Though one can’t confirm this as original story of the film but this is what we hear from close sources to ‘Oosaravelli.’
Most shy and sensitive Junior NTR working as Software Engineer is grown in his mum’s control. Unfortunately Tarak happens to see a stranger getting killed by villains. Trying to escape from the scene, even hero too is attacked by villain group getting a hard blow on head. Having joined the hospital doctors diagnoses NTR suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder disease and he is to change his colors of characterization like a chameleon (that is Oosaravelli). Later will be action part as hero takes on criminals.
Well, indirectly Junior NTR is on a direct clash with Vikram of ‘Aparichithudu’ as both characterizations seem to be behaving similar suffering with same disease. Let us see, how far Tarak convinces us, if this one happens to be the real story of the film?