Atlee, a renowned director, achieved stardom with Tamil blockbusters Theri, Mersal, and Bigil, starring Vijay. His Bollywood debut, Jawan, starring Shah Rukh Khan, grossed over ₹1,000 crores nationwide. This success led to Atlee directing Mukesh Ambani's son Anant Ambani's wedding and finalizing a project with Salman Khan.
Atlee's producing debut, Baby John, a Theri remake, starred Varun Dhawan and Keerthy Suresh. Despite high expectations, the film flopped, collecting ₹23.90 crores in four days. Made on a ₹160 crore budget, its estimated total collection is ₹60 crores, potentially leading to ₹100 crore losses.
The impact of Baby John's failure on Atlee's next project with Salman Khan remains uncertain. Bollywood's competitive landscape magnifies failures, and one setback can hinder future opportunities. Atlee's success with Jawan may not guarantee success with his next project.
Will Atlee bounce back from this setback? Can he regain momentum with Salman Khan's film? Only time will tell. This experience serves as a reminder of Bollywood's unpredictability, where even established directors face challenges.