In a shocking disappointment to all the Nandamuri fans, the launch of Balakrishna's son Mokshagna's debut project with Prashant Varma which was supposed to be launched today was postponed. This is now triggering speculation as to whether the project was cancelled altogether.
The makers came up with an official statement that the project was delayed. It is known that Balakrishna always follows astrology before proceeding ahead with important functions and now with the Mokshagna's debut project was postponed at the last minute, netizens are wondering when the project will get the auspicious launch time.
Some say, the project was postponed as Mokshagna was down with fever. Earlier rumours spread that AP CM Chandra Babu Naidu and Minister Lokesh would grace the launch event as the chief guest. The makers would have went ahead with the project in their presence.
But some say the entire project itself was shelved. Family members say that Mokshagna was not ready for the debut.and he sought more time. Some say there were creative differences between Prashanth Varma and Moskhagna. Some say Balakrishna was unhappy with the producer Sudhakar Cherukuri who was supposed to produce the film along with Balakrishna's daughter Tejaswini.
With Sudhakar Cherukuri a day before this announcing his project with Chiranjeevi-Srikanth Odela and Nani, sources say Balakrishna turned out to be unhappy.