Sree Vishnu to romance Bollywood beauty. Bollywood actress Divya Khosla Kumar is set to make her Tollywood debut with the Hindi-Telugu bilingual film, "Hero Heroine." The film, directed by veteran filmmaker Suresh Krrishna (known for the iconic Rajinikanth film "Basha"), will explore the complex relationship between a legendary yesteryear hero and heroine.
The film's first look poster was unveiled earlier this year, generating significant anticipation. Now, the latest update reveals that popular Tollywood hero Sree Vishnu has joined the cast, playing the male lead.
Adding to the film's star power, "Hero Heroine" boasts a stellar ensemble cast, including Soni Razdan, Tusshar Kapoor, Rajeev Khandelwal, and Arbaaz Khan. The film is being produced by Prerna Arora, the acclaimed producer behind successful Bollywood ventures like "Pad Man" and "Toilet Ek Prem Kahani."
Adding another layer of excitement is the presence of Oscar-winning composer MM Keeravani, who will be crafting the film's music.
With its intriguing premise, star-studded cast, and a veteran director at the helm, "Hero Heroine" promises to be an exciting addition to the Tollywood landscape. Fans eagerly await further updates on this highly anticipated bilingual venture.