Trivikram Srinivas, the renowned Telugu filmmaker known for his meticulous storytelling, recently made headlines when visuals of him visiting Tirumala with his family went viral. The usually private director was spotted with his wife and two sons, sparking interest in the younger generation of the family.
Rishi, Trivikram's elder son, particularly caught the eye of fans and social media users, who commented on his handsome looks and speculated about a potential entry into the film industry. It has now been confirmed that Rishi is indeed stepping into the world of cinema, albeit behind the scenes for now. He is currently assisting popular director Gowtam Tinnanuri on his upcoming film starring Vijay Deverakonda.
While it remains uncertain whether Rishi will pursue acting or directing, his foray into filmmaking with Gowtam signifies the beginning of his journey in the industry. Meanwhile, Trivikram is engrossed in penning the script for his next film, which will feature Allu Arjun in the lead role.
This news further fuels the excitement surrounding the next generation of the Srinivas family and their potential contributions to the Telugu film landscape.