Ram teaming with this star director. Ram Pothineni, fondly known as Ram, is currently keeping himself busy with a string of exciting film projects. His current focus is on "Double iSmart," directed by the renowned and stylish filmmaker Puri Jagannath. The anticipation surrounding this film is immense, both among the audience and Ram's dedicated fanbase.
Naturally, curiosity has been brewing about Ram's ventures following "Double iSmart." Reports suggest that his next collaboration might be with the celebrated director Trivikram Srinivas. This potential partnership has already generated considerable buzz and excitement within the industry.
Furthermore, there are whispers of another promising project. It is rumored that the talented director Harish Shankar has presented Ram with a compelling and impactful story. However, official confirmation regarding this film is still awaited.
In addition to these potential collaborations, Ram is said to be actively considering other narratives as well. Fans eagerly anticipate more concrete information about his next project, which is expected to be unveiled on his birthday, adding to the celebratory atmosphere.