Speculation on Pushpa The Rule song leak. Icon star Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna are set to dazzle audiences as the lead pair in director Sukumar's highly anticipated Pan India sequel, "Pushpa The Rule."
While the film's shooting progresses rapidly, it has faced several leaks, even extending to the first part of the film. Recently, a snippet of the movie's latest song found its way onto social media, quickly gaining traction among fans.
However, it's important to note that this leaked content is unofficial and not part of the original soundtrack. Some fans have clarified that the viral song is actually a fan-made creation. Nevertheless, one undeniable fact is the immense anticipation for Devi Sri Prasad's music among the Pan India audience.
Produced by Mythri Movie Makers, the much-awaited sequel is slated for release on August 15, promising an electrifying cinematic experience for fans across the nation. Expectations are high as the filmis the sequel to the blockbuster film Pushpa The Rise.