Trisha praises Animal, and gets trolled. The success of Ranbir Kapoor and Rashmika Mandanna's Animal, directed by Sandeep Vanga, has created waves at the box office, surpassing the Rs 200 crore mark despite its A certification. However, amidst this triumph, the spotlight shifted to Chennai Beauty Trisha, who initially praised the film only to delete her post later due to online trolling.
Trisha, sharing her initial excitement, had posted, "One word - cult! Pppppppaaaaaahhhhhhh" along with emojis expressing peeking eyes, exhaling, and clapping hands. Unfortunately, her positive take on the film triggered a backlash from netizens, prompting her to remove the post.
Swift to react, social media users took to Twitter to criticize the actress for what they perceived as 'hypocrisy.' One tweet questioned her recent stance on women's dignity, stating, "She was lecturing about woman’s dignity a week ago only, no?" Another tweet expressed a broader sentiment, labeling everyone as hypocrites. A skeptical tweet suggested that Trisha might not have watched the movie, stating, "I think she is yet to see that shit." Another comment hinted at the complexity of women's perspectives, stating, "I guess some women are patriarchal too."
However, amidst the criticism, there were also voices in support of Trisha. Some argued that she understands the distinction between a movie and real life, stating, "Unlike you, she knows the difference between a movie and real life." Another supporter urged people to treat a movie as just that, saying, "It’s a movie, get over it."
This incident has sparked a debate about the fine line between cinematic appreciation and real-life values, with opinions divided on how public figures should navigate their endorsements in the face of differing views and societal expectations.