Vijay Antony's daughter commits suicide. On the early morning of September 19, a tragic incident shook the family of composer, actor, and producer Vijay Antony as his beloved daughter, Meera, took her own life at the tender age of 16. Reports indicate that Meera was discovered hanging in her Chennai residence, prompting immediate action.
Meera had been grappling with intense pressure, and it is known that she was receiving treatment to address these challenges. Tragically, despite the efforts to help her, her struggle culminated in this heartbreaking event.
Vijay Antony, renowned for his work in both music and film, had been engrossed in his acting endeavors and was eagerly anticipating the release of his forthcoming film, 'Raththam.' Recently, he orchestrated a successful concert in Chennai, demonstrating his continued commitment to his art.
This fateful day, however, shattered their lives when Meera was discovered lifeless around 3 am at their Alwarpet residence in Chennai. She was a student at the prestigious Church Park School in Chennai and, according to unverified sources, had been battling depression.
In a frantic rush, Meera was swiftly taken to a hospital in Chennai after being found in her room. Tragically, the medical professionals who attended to her pronounced her deceased. We eagerly await further details as this heartbreaking story unfolds.