The Praja Rajyam Party seemed to have learnt from the past mistakes and made sensible statement on Telangana. The recent statement made by PRP with reference to Telangana is that they would abide by the decision of Srikrishna panel. This change in attitude is bringing the people of Telangana with renewed interest to join hands with PRP.
In the past the people of Telangana have distanced themselves from PRP as the party was in favour of integrated Andhra Pradesh. On this issue a few important leaders from Telangana who played a key role in strengthening the fledgling party had joined TRS, while most others returned to TDP. They felt that PRP had nothing significant to do in the Telangana region due to rising support from the masses in support of statehood to the region.
According to PRP’s Political Affairs Committee (PAC) the news that PRP would stand by the Srikrishna panel was received with renewed vigour by the party’s think-tank, forcing it to redraw strategies to build the party once again from scratch in the region.
The party sees this as a significant development. 'We have been receiving queries from young people, both men and women, about the party’s future plans for Telangana. Some of them were keen to be part of a fresh exercise to rebuild the party in Telangana districts. Though we did not take up the matter seriously in the initial days, we have decided to discuss the matter elaborately in the party forum' said a senior party leader of PRP.
During the two-hour meeting with party seniors and a few leaders from Telangana on Tuesday, Chiranjeevi is expected to have a firsthand feedback from Telangana leaders about the party’s prospects in the region and also evolve means to reach out to more young people in the region within a short span