Isolated rainfall occurred in parts of Andhra Pradesh while Hyderabad experienced thundershowers giving some respite to the residents from searing heat on Tuesday.
Scattered rainfall will occur in the next one or two days in some parts of Rayalaseema and south coastal Andhra Pradesh (SCAP). In view of strong southwesterly winds along the west coast, an off shore trough extending from Karnataka to Kerala coast has developed and as a result of it, fairly widespread rain activity is expected and the southwest monsoon might further advance into parts of Rayalaseema and south coastal Andhra Pradesh.
The rain which lashed Hyderabad on Tuesday evening resulted in heavy water logging and traffic jams at several places. The power supply was also affected in many areas due to heavy downpour in the evening.
Heavy downpour also resulted in short-circuit of electricity wires leading to power failure in several parts of the city.