Anti-Corruption Bureau officials on Tuesday carried out a search and seizure operation on the properties owned by Jaganmohan, Joint Collector of Rangareddy district. They uncovered assets worth Rs 20 crore.
On complaints that the Joint Collector has amassed assets disproportionate to the known sources of his income, the ACB officials conducted raids on his residence in Jubilee Hills, Road No. 13.
The ACB officials formed into nine groups and simultaneously raided the houses owned by Jagammohan and his relatives at Kundan Bagh, Himayat Nnagar, Banjara Hills and Kukatpally.The searches were also conducted at his relatives' houses in Rangaredy and Mahabubnagar districts.
During the search operations, the ACB sleuths seized documents pertaining to his plots in Visakhapatnam, Serlingampally, Secunderabad and Hayatnagar. They also found that he possessed flats in Himayat Nagar and Amberpet.
Further, the ACB officials uncovered half-a-kilo gold, silver ware, a car and Rs 10 lakh. They are yet to go through the bank lockers and bank deposit accounts.
The ACB officials even raided the Joint Collector’s office in Rangareddy district and seized many document.The raids which started by 5 a.m are still continuing when the reports last came in.