A prompt probe has begun on Thursday, within 24-hours of an Indian Navy trainer aircraft which crashed into a two-storeyed building at Bowenpally residential area during an air-show here on Wednesday.
Indian Naval officials probing the aircraft crash reached the crash site at Bowenpally to collect the first-hand information from the locals. In their quest to ascertain the factors that led to the crash, the officials held discussions with technical and aircraft maintenance staff.
The building which was damaged in the mishap has been cordoned off by the police while Defence personnel were busy clearing the debris.
As reported earlier, the Defence Ministry already ordered a probe on Wednesday. Meanwhile, a case was filed at the Bowenpally police station on Thursday under the Aircraft Act, 1934.
Commander S.K. Maurya (39) and co-pilot, Lt. Commander Rahul Nair (34), of the HJT-16 Kiran Mk II were killed and four civilians on the ground were injured during the crash on Wednesday.
The aircraft hit a mobile telephone tower atop the building and exploded. A large part of the aircraft smashed and fell on the house, destroying it. Huge debris fell on to a car parked below, crushing it.
Municipal authorities are planning to demolish the building as the crash weakened its structure and it now poses a threat to houses in the neighbourhood. Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) is likely to take a decision in this regard after an inspection of the building by its engineers.