Chiranjeevi, the Megastar turned Praja Rajyam Party chief politician is missing up in news these days. From the genesis of PRP, for every small or big issue of political importance Chiranjeevi and his party reacted enormously. To be still more clear, if an issue is of both political and cinema relevant, then Chiranjeevi was the first to act on it.
When the debate on Kodali Nani and entire Film industry is blown out of proportions by the media, absence of Chiru’s voice is certainly felt in both general public and PRP in particular. When Central Government has sorted out a solution on Telangana by coming out with ‘Sri Krishna Committee,’ many media people hunted for the opinion of PRP Chief Chiranjeevi. Where is our Chiranjeevi missing?
If some sources say that, he left to Kerala for Ayrvedic treatment, other sources come out that he is hiding in Hyderabad shedding his fat in a hospital. But actually where is Chiranjeevi? His absence has been clearly noted in Media.