Hyderabad, Jan 29: Director General of Police Girish Kumar on Friday called on Chief Minister K Rosaiah here in the light of the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) quashing his apointment as DGP.The police chief confided to the CM the implications of the CAT order as the CM was away in Krishna and Guntur districts on Thursday when the CAT bench pronounced its the order.Girish Kumar, who met Home Minister Sabita Indra Reddy on Thursday,
called on the CM to formally appraise him of the latest developments as the CAT asked him to continue in the office till a successor is appointed.According to reliable sources, the Government is considering various permutations and combinations in the appointment of the new DGP. One such option is moving the Andhra Pradesh High Court against the CAT order.Home Minister Sabita Indra Reddy will meet CM to discuss the issue further on the appointment of a new DGP.