
Chidambaram lays the trap for KCR? (Analysis)

The 11 day long haul of KCR hunger strike has come to the end. Worries for the Government and Police after facing sleepless nights regarding “Chalo Assembly” are all out. Telangana people whose curses for Roshaiah and Sonia Gandhi have instantaneously turned into blessings. Atrocities and criminal cases on students in hostels of Osmania and Kakatiya, and their irresistible struggle with Police and RAF have come to a closure.

Yes, all these have become a reality with just a single statement from Chidambaram. But, still…? There is big question mark a head.

1. When KCR and TRS leaders have expected a declaration of full fledged Telangana State formation from either AICC Chair Person Sonia Gandhi or Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, why did Centre strategically made the move by using the word “Initiate the Process of Telangana” and that too spelled from the mouth of Home Minister Chidambaram?    
2. Is there any time frame involved with “Initiating the Process”? If not, how many years can be estimated?

3. Was this strategy of making the statement released from Home Minister was just to reduce the heat in Telangana and to easily get rid of “Chalo Assembly” and make KCR get out from his hunger strike. Is it two birds at one shot for Congress?

4. Obviously the decrease in intensity of Telangana issue is visible after the release of Chidambaram’s statement. Was this enough for Congress to side track the issue and concentrate on other problems of the State?

5. Why did neither Roshaiah nor Manmohan Singh open their mouths? and why was Chidambaram clueless when Media discussed about the intricacies in his statement?

6. With perfect examples of Jharkhand and Chattisgarh being formed in 2000 after the similar statements of declarations by Central Governemnt, which took nearly 4 years in between declaration and formation. Will the same be applicable to Telangana? Will Telangana state be formed by at least 2015?

7. If something goes wrong and somebody starts the fast for Undivided Andhra Pradesh, is there any possibility for repealing the statement my Home Minister?

8. Speaking from Indian Constitutional perspective.
A bill providing for formation of new state of Telangana shall be introduced in either houses of Parliament and that should be amended by only a simple majority. Even our Constitution has not regarded this as Constitutional Amendment Bill because of immense flexibility. The role of state will only be to elicit its views to President through a vote in Assembly, and that too not at all mandatory.

When ball was lying in Centre’s court for amendment, why did Chidambaram speak about passing the resolution initially in State Assembly, even after all the State parties unanimously rendered their support for Telangana?

The list of doubts goes on…

If the statement of Chidambaram is analyzed from all the directions, many intellectuals still doubt that KCR was perfectly trapped in the net laid down by Congress Core Committee, may be for the second time after "Common Minimum Programme."

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