In the latest move by State Government to send Minister Ram reddy Venkat Reddy to ngotiate wit KCR and relax the stand of his “fast-unto-death” has backfired, as KCR has outrightly rejected the entry of Ram Reddy Venkat Reddy.
Even after Home Minister Sabitha Reddy revealing to the media about the strategy of Government in sending Ram reddy Venkat Reddy as negotiator, the immediate response from KTR looked so light that he totally took the issue as a wrong step on the basis that Ram Redd Venkat Reddy has no power or authority to take a decision on final state hood of Telangana. The same has ben proved in acts by KCR now.
What does KCR really want? What is his stand on Telangana? Whom does he really want to speak with? If his stand is for seperate Telanagan immediately, how should it be pur forward and what should be the modus operandi? These are the questions which are to be answered by any of their TRS leaders.