Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao told a group of delegation led by Piramal Group chairman Ajay Piramal that the Telangana Government's new industrial policy would be the world’s best and would be finalized within the next one or two days.
The Chief Minister said that the government's industrial policy would be implemented in its letter and spirit. A chasing cell would be monitoring from the Chief Minister's office on the progress of investment in the industrial sector by industrialists from all over the country and abroad. He said that the government would identify land, declare that land exclusively meant for industrial purpose, develop it in all aspects, provide power and water and then would be placed at the disposal of the industrialists.
KCR said that right now about two lakh acres of land is available to establish industries and all this would be allotted to Telangana State Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (TSIIC) and the whole area would be brought under single window act. The Chief Minister also said that the single window would be made a reality and a special single window act would be brought soon.
The Chief Minister recalled his meeting with Azeem Premji of WIPRO couple of days ago who promised to come to Hyderabad to establish Industries where 5000 persons could be provided employment.
KCR offered Piramal to provide required facilities and told him to come and establish industries of their choice. The Chief Minister said in future there would be zero corruption in the State unlike in the past. He also said that after declaration of the Industrial Policy, it simply requires for an industrialist to download application from the website and fill it and apply for an industry. After establishing the genuineness of the applicant on scrutiny in a day or two, a call would go to the industrialist to come to Hyderabad and meet the Chief Minister.
The prospective industrialists would be received at the airport by the State government protocol department and would be straight taken to the Chief Minister for presentation of the case and discussions. The Industrialists need not go to several places for clearances and through single window all clearances would be given in two weeks time. The Chief Minister said that, a pack containing the clearances would be handed over to the industrialists.
Replying to the issue of power shortage, the Chief Minister while agreeing that there is shortage said that, to the present 4000MW Thermal Power an additional 2350MW of Power would be added by 2015. In addition the mandatory Power Project of 4000MW from NTPC dedicated to Telangana would also come up soon. The Chief Minister assured that, on completion of three years, Telangana would be power surplus state and to this effect short term, medium term and long term plans are being drawnup.
The Chief Minister said people of Telangana after tasting the previous regime's mistakes and bad experiences have chosen this government. He said the duty of this government is to put every thing on right track. The Chief Minister said that, with in the next three to four months to come Telangana would be the most happening State in the country for investment and other aspects.
KCR touching upon the subject of his government's intension to conduct a comprehensive survey said that the biggest problem with any government is non availability of statistics. To over come this, he said, that, the government discussed thoroughly and developed a format to conduct a survey and collect data pertaining to all the 84 lakh households. This would be done on a single day said the Chief Minister.
The Chief Minister told Piramal to make use of the proposed pharma city in and around Telangana where he can have his industry and residential colony for his employees all at one place.
Education Minister Jagadish Reddy, Chief Secretary Rajeev Sharma, Principal Secretary to CM S Narsing Rao and others present in the meeting.