Ms Vijayalakshmi, wife of late Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, on Tuesday disclosed assets worth approximately Rs 2 crore while filing her nomination papers for the Pulivendula poll. She has cash of Rs 62,845, Rs 40 lakh as fixed deposit in a bank, Rs 1,16,49,971 as insurance claims, 83 square yard building worth Rs 9,00,550 in Pulivendula, 39.52 acres worth Rs 4,78,065 in Idupulapaya, 1,176 grams of gold and diamonds worth Rs 25,73,340 and assets like claims and interests at Rs 6,01,756. She filed the declaration of assets along with her nomination papers as the Congress candidate.
Looking downcast, she filed three sets of nomination papers with the returning officer, Mr Gopal. Elsewhere, Mr Jagan Mohan Reddy attended a party activists' meeting held at the Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy Charitable Trust auditorium in Pulivendula.