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Akbar's health is critical, claims counsel

Akbar's health is critical, claims counsel

Mohammad Shafeeq, the legal counsel of Akbaruddin Owaisi, slammed the Adilabad police for arresting the MIM leader although his health was highly critical.

"There is a bullet embedded in his body and three portions in his body are in a critical stage. He is in acute pain due to Hernia. However, without even disclosing the details of medical report given by the doctors, the police arrested Akbar Owaisi," Shafeeq told media persons out the Gandhi Hospital here on Tuesday.

Shafeeq said that despite several requests, the police did not furnish a copy of medical report issued by the Gandhi Hospital doctors either to Akbar Owaisi or to him. He said Akbar did not take food since morning as he was asked to come empty-stomach for the medical tests. He said police did not even consider Akbar's request to allow him to have food at his residence and carry some personal belongings.

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The advocate said that the MIM has been cooperating with the police since beginning. "He returned from London, without completing his treatment, only to face these cases," he said adding that his patience since morning is a proof of his cooperation.

Shafeeq also alleged that the doctors at Gandhi Hospital prescribed him some medicines that could have proved fatal for the MIM leader. "Due to medical complications, Akbaruddin Owaisi is not supposed to take any pain killer. He will collapse any minute if he takes a pain killer. However, doctors here have prescribed a pain killer to him," he alleged.

"It was very lucky that Akbaruddin is a wise man and a literate person. He read the prescription and questioned under what authority without even questioning me you issued these medicines to me and he refused to take those medicines," Shafeeq said.

Shafeeq said the future course of action would be decided after ascertaining what the plan of Adilabad police.

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