
YSRCP accuses Congress of delaying Jagan's bail

The YSR Congress party has accused the Congress Government of having "shoddy governance" and trying to make its own ministers as scapegoats in a bid to delay bail to YS Jagan Mohan Reddy.

“Leaving the State in lurch with its multiple problems, the Chief Minister and other leaders are camping in Delhi to accomplish their personal agenda and the conspiracy to delay bail to YS Jagan Mohan Reddy is in the open as ministers are being named one after the other in CBI charge-sheets,” Party spokesperson, Ambati Rambabu told reporters here on Friday.

While the State is reeling under unprecedented power crisis with domestic, industrial and agriculture consumers bearing the brunt and the governance is scrabbling in darkness, the leaders are busy in Delhi to please the High Command for personal benefits, he said.


Congress has to take the permission of the High Command to accept the resignation of Roads and Buildings Minister Dharmana Prasad Rao, who was named in the charge-sheet by CBI. This shows that the ruling party is at its old game plan and is prepared to victimise cabinet ministers with an apparent reason to delay the judicial process of YS Jagan Mohan Reddy.

Legal experts point out that Article 163 is categorical that the cabinet decision is a collective responsibility and it cannot be challenged, however the Congress is slowly trying redefine the process with the sole aim of targeting YS Jagan Mohan Reddy and in the process it has sent one minister to jail, another is on way and some more may join, he said.

“The entire exercise is only to get mileage by showcasing that it did not even spare their cabinet ministers but the move will backfire as their design of trying to show ministers as accused only to target YS Jagan Mohan Reddy  will misfire.” he said.

Congress will meet the same fate that it has suffered in Tamil Nadu (the last Chief Minister being Baktavatsalam in 1969) and West Bengal (where the Party era ended with Sidharth Shankar Ray in 1977), he said adding that the political events are toeing the same path in the State as well.

Our Party demands that the Chief Minster and his cabinet colleagues should shun their Delhi trips and attend to the burning issues of the State, he said.

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