The Telugu Desam Party on Wednesday alleged that the Congress party had colluded with the YS Jagan camp and filed the petition with an intention to malign and politically damage his reputation.
TDP President N Chandrababu Naidu and 13 other senior TDP leaders met at former's residence to reviewing the fall out of the AP High Court direction to the Central Bureau of Investigation to conduct a preliminary probe into his assets. Sources say that Naidu discussed the possibility of filing a review petition in the High Court.
Later, talking to reporters TDP politburo member Yanamala Ramakrishnudu said that the court direction was a serious issue and it could affect the party's image. He said a final decision on the future course of action would be taken after having consultations with the legal experts. “This is not just an issue concerning Chandrababu Naidu but the entire TDP,” he said.
However, he said that the party cadre has been asked to defend the vicious campaign launched against Chandrababu Naidu by his political opponents. He said that Congress was the behind the scene in the petition filed by the Y S Vijayamma against Chandrababu Naidu. He said Jagan had been colluding with the Congress party ever since his Delhi visit.