Director General of Police V Dinesh Reddy on Thursday met Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy at his Chambers in the Secretariat to brief him over the security arrangements being made in the city following the serial bomb blasts in Mumbai on Wednesday evening.
The DGP is understood to have given a brief to the Chief Minister over the security cover to the sensitive areas in the city. Later, while on the way to his car from the Chief Minister’s office, Mr Dinesh Reddy told the waiting media persons that instructions have already been issued for a ‘High Alert’ to the authorities concerned. He also said that the top officers including the Commissioner of Police will discuss the issue at a meeting being convened by him later in the day. The ‘High Alert’ has been declared in the state following the serial explosions that rocked the Mumbai city yesterday in the evening between 6 30 pm and 7 05 pm which claimed many lives. The event produced a flutter in the Nation’s capital as also in Hyderabad. Even as the news spread across the Nation over the alleged terrorists’ attack in the Mumbai city, Hyderabad, which was also said to have been on the hit list of the terrorists, the top brass sounded an alert and took precautions to meet any eventuality. Police activity in the city has been intensified with the personnel stopping the vehicles and conducting searches in case of suspicion. Even otherwise the routine security rounds being made by the cops in the suburbs as of now. The security at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport has been stepped up. Anybody found under suspicious circumstances would be rounded up as per the latest orders. The police were also directed to clear any article or left out vehicle on the roadside near the airport.