The police on Monday arrested suspended Telugu Desam Party leader Nagam Janardhan Reddy, Jogiramanna, Harishwar Reddy, TRS Floor leader Etela Rajender and K Tarakarama Rao, besides senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader Bandaru Dattatreya at Assembly Gate when they are proceeding towards Osmania University to express solidarity to OU students’ hunger fast.
The arrests came when the delegation, led by Mr Janardhan Reddy insisted on going to the OU campus anytime despite police enforcement to express solidarity to fasting students, who are demanding deletion of Clause 14 F and introduction of Telangana Bill in Parliament. Talking to media persons before being arrested, Mr Janardhan Reddy revealed that the delegation has sought Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy’s permission to visit the campus. However, the Chief Minister rejected their plea, the suspended TDP leader said. He alleged that Centre and state government were following double standards on the demand of deletion of the controversial Clause 14 F from the Presidential Orders. Mr Janardhan Reddy questioned the state government for going ahead with recruitment for Sub-Inspector posts in the Police Department when the all Telangana elected representatives resigned from their posts for the cause of statehood. Warning the government of serious consequences, TRS MLA Taraka Rama Rao demanded it withdraw the Central paramilitary forces surrounding the campus immediately and restore normalcy. He said that the conditions in the state look like President Rule has already been imposed and Governor ESL Narasimhan was ruling as an agent of the Centre. Mr Bandaru Dattatreya said that no one can water down the Telangana agitation through police arrests and repressive methods. The arrested leaders were shifted to Punjagutta police station.