Staunch supporter of Kadapa MP YS Jaganmohan Reddy and Congress MLA Konda Surekha on Wednesday questioned the rationale of the ‘Vanta Varpu’ at time when farmers were facing immense hardships. Talking to media persons at Assembly Media point, Ms Surekha questioned the rationale behind the TPJAC organizing of Vanta Varpu on June 20 as part of intensified separate statehood agitation when the immediate concern should be towards the farmers who are facing immense hardships. She also condemned the burning of YSR Congress Party flag by Telangana Rashtra Samithi and Telangana Political Joint Action Committee activists in Warangal. “The TRS and TPJAC leaders should issue an unconditional apology for the burning of YSR Congress Party flag,” Ms Surekha said. She added that the YSR Congress Party would take a favourable decision on Telangana after the party’s maiden plenary session to be held by the second week of July. Ms Surekha said that she never crossed the Congress party ‘Lakshman Rekha’ and was not involved in any anti-party activities. “No one can seek my resignation by making allegations against me for ‘anti-party’ activities. During Speaker and Deputy Speaker election, I voted in favour of Congress party. If Speaker takes action against me for these alleged anti-party activities, I will contest again and win with majority votes in my constituency,” she vehemently stated. The MLA also challenged the PRP MLAs, who had campaigned against Congress during last Assembly elections, to resign and contest on Congress tickets.