Telugu Desam Telangana Forum convener Errabelli Dayakar Rao on Tuesday alleged that YSR Congress Party president Jaganmohan Reddy has funded the `Telangana Nagara’ organized by suspended TDP leader Nagam Janardhan Reddy. Talking to media persons at NTR Trust Bhavan, Mr Dayakar Rao alleged that Mr Janardhan Reddy held discussions with YSR Congress Party leader Gone Prakash Rao over the funding of Telangana Nagara in Adilabad district since the past three days. He demanded that Mr Janardhan Reddy disclose details of what he had discussed with Mr Prakash Rao. Mr Dayakar Rao further alleged that Telangana Rashtra Samithi president K Chandrasekhar Rao and Telangana Political Joint Action Committee convenor Prof Kodandaram also took funds from Mr Jaganmohan Reddy for organizing the conventions. He questioned both KCR and Prof Kodandaram about their failure to visit the MG Hospital in Warangal where students of Kakatiya University were being treated after allegedly attacked by the YSR Congress party activists. Responding on the participation of TDP leaders –Venu Gopalachary, Harishwar Reddy, Jogu Ramanna—in `Telangana Nagara’, Mr Dayakar Rao promised that action would be taken against them after discussing their dissension with the TDP chief. Reacting to a news story published in a daily, the TTDPF convenor stated that the party would not agree to packages on Telangana announced on the lines of Gorkhaland. “Do not compare the Telangana agitation with the one for Gorkhaland. Both are entirely different. The Telangana people are taking the agitation as their `self-respect,’” Mr Dayakar Rao said. The present ‘Telangana Face’ of the TDP added that the party leaders from Telangana would meet on Wednesday at 2.30 PM to discuss how to taking Telangana agitation forward. Mr Dayakar Rao further added that the TDP would release a press statement on how other parties have started a malicious campaign against his party over the fight for Telangana. The statement would also clarify the party’s stand on Telangana, he added. He concluded by saying that the Telangana leaders had decided to organize two massive public meetings in two districts by month-end and organize massive discussions in four districts to create awareness on the agitation.