The Election Commission of India on Wednesday declared that repolling would be conducted at polling station 108 at Bellamandi in Kadapa Town on May 12 from 8 AM to 5 PM.
Earlier, the ECI had announced that the re-polling would be held on May 11.
According to Chief Electoral Officer Bhanwar Lal, the Election Commission of India on Wednesday directed him to conduct repolling in the Polling Booth No 108 of Kadapa Town as there was defect in the Electronic Voting Machine during polling period on May 8.
With this decision, about 905 voters will enfranchise their voting right in the repolling being held at JMJ Junior College for Girls on May 12.
Earlier, Bhanwarlal had recommended to the Election Commission of India to hold re-poll at '108' Polling station in Kadapa Town following the technical snag in the Electronic Voting Machine.
The counting of votes will be held on May 13 and the results will be announced by the same evening.