Expressing regrets that he was not given a chance to face former MP YS Jaganmohan Reddy in the by-election from the Kadapa Lok Sabha constituency, Handlooms and Textiles Minister P Shankar Rao on Friday said that the official party candidate and Health Minister DL Ravindra Reddy would win ‘hands down’.
Talking to media persons here, Dr Shankar Rao said that though he was keen to take on the former MP on his home turf and come out victorious, the Congress had opted for Dr DL Ravindra Reddy to contest against Mr YS Jaganmohan Reddy for Kadapa Parliamentary seat. He stated that he would accept the decision and extend wholehearted support to the Congress candidate.
Dr Shankar Rao further said that he was confident that Dr Ravindra Reddy would make Mr Jaganmohan Reddy bite the dust in the by-elections. The Handlooms and Textiles Minister further pointed out that the Congress would campaign in the by-elections using the former prime minister Indira Gandhi and All India Congress Committee president Sonia Gandhi’s names and the welfare schemes of the party.
“For the first time, the Congress will not be using former chief minister YSR photos. The party would prove that it is strong in Kadapa by winning the by-elections,” he stated. Dr Shankar Rao further expressed confidence that the party cadre and leaders in the district would make collective efforts to win in the elections by sinking any differences among themselves.