The New Delhi stir of Kadapa leader YS Jaganmohan Reddy has left Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy and his colleagues worried as more Legislators have joined his camp. As many as 27 Congress Legislators are believed to have joined the 'Jal Deeksha' of Kadapa rebel leader Ys Jaganmohan Reddy, who has started a hunger strike on Tuesday in New Delhi in support of the poor and neglected farmers suffering from frequent cyclones that were lashing their districts in AP.
Two other Legislators from the Telugu Desam Party and two from the Praja Rajyam Party also joined the YS Jaganmohan Reddy's hunger strike camp which seems to have upset the KKR government as the Chief Minister was believed to have reviewed the situation with some Ministers in his office at the Secretariat, according to sources.
Despite the Congress High Command's direction and the Chief Minister's persuasive communication to them, the Legislators have accompanied Jagan and are part and parcel of 'Deeksha' in New Delhi itself disregarding the presence of the High Command there which strengthened the fact that the MLAs are backing Jagan.
Except 15 Ministers present in the Secretariat, others are said to have been away on some errand. However, a Minister has expressed confidence that there was no 'threat' to their government. Though they were outwardly appearing to have conveyed that the 'toppling' is ruled out the visible expression gave a room to comprehend that something is 'boiling' behind the scene. Apart from 31 MLAs, 3 MLCs are in the Jagan's camp as on date.
Tribal Welfare Minister Pasupuleti Balaraju, Social Welfare Minister Pithani Satyanarayana and Minority Welfare Minister Syed Ahmedullah were among those who met the Chief Minister. Medical and Health Services Minister D L Ravindra Reddy accompanied, accompanied by Minorities Welfare and Wakf Minister syed Ahmedullah who met the Chief Minister in his office and held parleys with him later met the media persons.
Mr Ravindra Reddy said that he was challenged by Kadapa MLA Amarnath Reddy to resign the Assembly seat. However, the Minister replied to Amarnath Reddy that he would abide by his challenge to quit the post and the seat on condition that five other MLAs from the region should also quit along with him to seek re-election. Whereas the Health Minister would seek re-election on Congress ticket they should contest without Congress' symbol.